The Certainty of the Words is a thorough defense of the King James Bible and is available for a cost of $25 by contacting Pastor Stephens at kfstephens@usfamily.net or calling (763) 783-8195. This book is also available as an ebook at Amazon.com.

Building Thereupon is a book dedicated to the building of sound doctrine and is available for a cost of $35 by contacting Pastor Stephens at kfstephens@usfamily.net or calling (763) 783-8195. This book is also available as an ebook at Amazon.com.

The Pillar and Ground of the Truth is a treatise on the Biblical, New Testament Church and is available for a cost of $10 by contacting Pastor Stephens at kfstephens@usfamily.net or calling (763) 783-8195. This book is also available as an ebook at Amazon.com.